JVs of the day - June 03, 2020

These are the best Affiliate Marketing Programs for today

JVs of the day - June 03, 2020

Product name: IM Checklist V30 - Instagram Marketing
Seller: kevinfahey
Product summary: 18 Step By Step Guides To Earning Passive Income From Membership Sites. Full Private Label Rights Included
Front end price: $197.00
JV page: https://imchecklist.org/jv30
Commission rate: 50
Sales: 50+
Conversion: 5
EPC: 1.159
Avg. price: 21.282105263158
Refund rate: 0%

Product name: ConversioBot PRO - Transforms Your Website Into A Leads & Sales Bot
Seller: Simon Wood
Product summary: Simple, Fast & Easy Way To Boost Sales Massive Companies Are Already Doing This!
Front end price: $37.00
JV page: https://conversiobot.com/superaffiliates
Front end stats:
Sales: 3,500+
Conversion: 5.61%
EPC: $1.82
Avg. price: $32.51
Commission rate: 90%
Refund rate: 6.19%
Funnel stats:
Sales: 7,000+
Conversion: 10.27%
EPC: $5.38
Avg. price: $52.40
Commission rate: 90%
Refund rate: 7.64%

Product name: TikVideoCyborg
Seller: marketro
Product summary:
Front end price: $21.00
JV page: http://jv.tikvideocyborg.com/
Commission rate: 50
Sales: 500+
Conversion: 13
EPC: 3.431
Avg. price: 26.039352331606
Refund rate: 1%