
Every JV, at your phone, for free

Earn up to $40 + Recurring Commission
upon Every Sale and with over
$1300+ in JV Cash Prizes  
So Promote this Highly in demand PLR package…. This is an evergreen highly in-demand PLR Package with everything “Ready-to-Go” and “Done-for-You” that customers can re-brand and sell to keep 100% of the profits they make from it. It comes with Ebook, audio & video training. The course is developed by our own team.

JV Contest Cash Prizes

We are coming with $1300+ Cash Prize for all valuable JV’s, Because we know When you make money then only we make money…..!! #Respect_to_you_all
Product: [PLR]Women's Health and Beauty with Yoga
Launch date: 18 Sep 17
Launch time: 11:00 EDT
Price: 10
Commission: 70%
Affiliate Network: JVZoo
Niche: PLR
Vendor: Larry Pace